Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Raring to go......

We GMomma's are ready to kick off our first Diaper Drive to promote our local BeGenerous Inc. Diaper Bank covering "Every Little Bottom" inspired by Huggies, which I first saw on The ELLEN Show.   This Sat from 10-2 at Miramar Winn Dixie we will pass out flyers and ask our local community to help us by donating diapers, wipes and diaper creams etc. while we bring awareness to our area and build our inventory for our local Diaper Bank. 
We have been so blessed by the support and excitement of our community.  We will continue to spread the word and request donations for  diapers throughout the year or until this diaper need is obsolete.  I know EXACTLY, unfortunately it's wishful thinking but we will continue our efforts for as long as I can keep the diapers pouring in and the doors open.  Be Generous Inc. will  establish a Diaper Bank which will help provide mothers and father and other organizations with diapers and wipes which are an essential need for babies.  Could you imagine having to reuse soiled diapers because you hace no more.  Could you imagine missing work because you have no diapers to send with your baby to daycare.

Spread the word and help us cover "Every Little Bottom."
Be Generous Inc,

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Reflections from Keith Wheeler....

If you do not know who Keith Wheeler is please check him out at http://www.kw.org/.  This man has carried a 12 foot wooden cross around the world since 1985.  Enjoy and God Bless....
Reflections from his website:

Empty Eyes
Just look in their eyes and you will hear their pleas;
We cannot ignore their cries and disregard their needs.
If we take the time we can see their tears.
Their eyes cannot hide their worries and their fears.
In cities and towns, along streets and roads,
The burdens they bear are such heavy loads.
How can we see them, then turn away,
And not carry their burdens, but go our own way?
Broken and searching, lives in despair;
Lets us love them and help them,
at least offer a prayer.
They are lost, so lost -- can’t you hear their cries?
If you can’t hear them, then take the time and just look in their eyes.

Tough Mission Jan 20th

Today was pretty rough.  I had to step back, look at the bigger picture and pray that I would make a sound decision for Be Generous and our partners (donors&volunteers) in mission. Sometimes I have a tendency to make decisions with my full heart, where I want to do everything to make others happy, which can get the best of me. My goal on our missions is not to enable people but help them get back to living and giving their children a chance at life.  Most  have lost all hope and have no one else to turn to.  I pray God  continues to guide me and Courtney in our missions, providing us with clear vision, open minds, and the strength to know which direction to take each situation. 

As we have been helping this mom get into a home so that she can provide better living conditions for her children,  I visited the property she was interested in to make a checklist of the things she would need to get settled into the "Perfect house." I was devastated and heart broken.  My heart ached because what was "perfect" in her eyes, was in reality and in my opinion and the professional opinions of contractors, a home that should be condemned.  I felt a sense of urgency to step in and help her realize it was not the best for her and her family. I knew this news would hurt her and make her feel as if another door was shutting in her face.  On the other hand, I knew I had to be honest for her sake and the sake of the kids.  She could not move into that property.  She was in denial and  I soon realized that when you go without for so long you tend to be blinded with despair and just except less of things because you have no vision of better.  She deserves more, her children deserve more.  No one in America should have to be subjected to unlivable conditions, especially when they are trying and can not catch up because they have been so low.  This is why it  was on my heart to call upon our community to pitch in and help me with this family.  The mother has faced awful circumstance and regardless of how she got there we should have open hearts and open minds and let her know  this community and God loves her.  As I  visit her on every occasion I  explain to her I am only working through God and for him.  He is who lead me to her, he has asked for me to call on her showing her his love and help her understand she can depend on him and those who work in his name.  She is coming around and I feel that once we get her where she needs to be, she will be more comfortable to face the world and raise her head to the heavens and call upon him when she is need if ever again. 

Thanks for the support of all my family and friends.  God bless!
G momma out on a mission to find a home and a vehicle.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Where God's path will lead....

We G Momma's have been so blessed by the support, prayer and the willingness of so many hearts in our community.  I truly believe that in God's plan set forth we have a path we will walk down and if we listen to him and make wise decision and follow your heart, we will encounter great things and great people that he knows we need.  We may need them for different reasons but once we cross paths, it's so clear, why and how.  I am so grateful for God's vision and plan for my life and for our mission.  This past week we were stopping in to visit one of our partners in mission, Angela Waller.  She has so graciously and unselfishly giving her heart to our mission.  She has reached out to some of our families, impacting their lives greatly. She has giving me hope in people in our community. I will probably be speaking for her when I say the people she has helped have impacted her life as well.  These families are giving us so much in return without even realizing it.  Giving to those in need provides you with a sense of being, a sense of purpose and fills your heart with joy. Giving whole hearted with no expectations of something in return becomes infectious.  I challenge everyone to give, to help, to get involved and volunteer.  Make a difference in someones life.   Back to my story, as we were waiting for Angela to come in we decided to visit our loyal friends at LaFlorida Real Estate in Grayton Beach.  What a wonderful God filled office.  Courtney and I were just talking on the way to our appt about needing prayer over us and our business, as we take this next step in our mission.  As we are sharing our vision with Linda and Gay, Gay decides to pray for us.  She has a wonderful gift of prayer and spirit within her.  God used her at that moment to get us through are moment of doubt and fear. Call on his name and he will answer.  he did at that moment through her.  She helped restore faith in my heart that I am making the right decision in  following my life long dream of impacting the lives of others.  Thank you so much Gay!  It shows what type of women you are and I am proud to have met you, to know you and to share this experience with you.  May God cover your business with greatness and an abundance of business.  May you flourish in all you do and may you touch more hearts with your power of prayer.  And to Linda Steele in her office. Angel is all I can say.  Linda and her daughter have helped me on this journey already by helping our Christmas Mission become a success.  They provided Christmas for 4 children, food for 2 families and a refrigerator to a single mom of 7 that was storing food in coolers.
Their generous hearts inspired me and also restored my faith in people. 
I just wanted to take time to give thanks, so here's a huge THANK YOU.

My Own Little World

Gmomma's mission to the next level.....

I wanted to share a bit of exciting news with all of you because I believe that you are all very important people (VIP) in our community and I know you care about our mission and have a heart for others. 
First thing, as most of you are aware, my friend Courtney and I have been serving our community, with the help of your generous hearts, to start a mission that we feel is our God giving purpose. It has been weighing heavily on my heart to take this to the next level seeing the want and desire of so many to help those in need.  I decided to start our own non-profit organization and with Courtney on board we are raring to go!  The non profit will be called "BeGenerous."  Our mission is to help families in need as well as to be the organization that other non profits, that have so generously blessed our community, can call on to help them when they also are in need.  We want to speak out on behalf of everyone in need, helping bring awareness to our community and our world. Some say "Stephanie, you can't save the world."  I believe we are all God's people set here for a purpose and although I can not save the world I can sure help as many in it as God so graciously brings to me. Matthew 25:35-40.
We will be stationed at my home and mostly mobile until we grow into something huge, which is my vision. We need your support and pray.  Our email address is gmommasmission@gmail.com. (Godly Momma's Mission)
 Please save it as a contact so you don't miss our emails and updates. If you have always wanted to help  others,but just haven't found the time or you feel God has placed a desire on your heart to do something for those in need email us to see what you can do or give to help us help others.
. Please join us or stop by Miramar Winn Dixie, JAN 29th, 10-2 for the kick off to our Diaper Bank. We will be asking our community to help by purchasing any brand diaper etc.  BeGenerous will be establishing a local Diaper Bank for our community to help those parents in need of a simple necessity such as diapers.  STOP HERE and read Attachments PLEASE........ 
 Joining in a promotion with Huggies we will attempt to cover "Every Little Bottom" in our part of the world.  We are praying that God blesses us and our organization with so many open hearts and minds that we collect an abundance of diapers, wipes and medications to help us start this much needed foundation. We will supply diapers to other non profits such as Caring and Sharing and the Okaloosa Coalition on Homeless as well as many other non profits and families in need.   
 HELP US BRING AWARENESS TO THIS PROBLEM.  Would you or have you had to let your baby go without diapers????
  • Most babies use 6 to 10 diapers per day
  • Cost of $75 per month
  • Up to age of 21/2 a baby will need an avg of 7000 diapers
  • 1 out of 3 American families are struggling to provide diapers for their babies
  • 1 out of 10 are reusing soiled diapers
Can you imagine????????????????????
Thanks for your support in our efforts to save "Our Part of the World".

MLK Day Legacy of Service - 25th Anniversary

Stop and remember why you have a day off of work..As Dr. MLK did, stand up for humanity, take chances, live daringly, never let others judgement on you stop your mission,stay focus and committed. Serve others as an act of kindness. Peoples needs are ongoing and so my mission will be. I will serve our community proudly in memeory of MLK and our God Almighty!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

"God's Timing is Everything"

Thanks Court!  I am truly blessed to have you share this journey with me.  God has wonderful things in store for us.I am so overwhelmed with excitement knowing he is and will work his power through us.  I am committed now more than ever in my life to serve in the glory of his name.  I have not always been this "holy roller". I've always believed whole hearted in the word of Christ and always recognized him as the most important thing before all , however in the past 6 months of my life something has happened.  I can feel God's present in my life stronger than ever.  I now stop and think WHY WASN'T I THIS HOLY ROLLER ALWAYS. I'm rolling in it, out it and all around it. I wonder why I haven't got this Gung Ho before.  I guess like you just wrote above,"God's timing is everything." I know this is my time and I am gonna Shine! Everyone that knows me when I do something, I got to go ALL OUT.  This GMomma is ready to full fill her "God Giving Destiny"(Pastor Steve and Jackie) God Bless all our friends, local supporters, Destiny Worship,all non profits,and those who volunteer or give to make a difference in anther's life and first and fore most Jesus Christ our Saviour.  May God cover you all with more blessings than you have ever known.

Friday, January 7, 2011

When A Woman Trusts God

I would like to share a book I am reading right now called " When A Woman Loves God". This book is so inspiring and basically goes through many of the Bible Stories and Compares it to modern day stories. If you are in need of some inspiration and faith building skills....go get this book!

Stephanie is such a good friend and I am truly amazed at her commitment to saving the world. I am loving this journey with her. Even though I don't post a lot I am in this with a whole heart and love serving my Lord Jesus! I truly believe that it's not about what we do because without him nothing we do will even matter. God works through us and you for the good of others. When we allow him to enter our hearts we are able to thrive on all he has for us. As our pastors wife, Jackie, said last week in church: Our heart is like a field. We need to tend the garden in our heart so when it rains ( meaning God pouring his love into our life) we can recieve all he has for us. If our heart is not ready to recieve we may miss out altogether on something wonderful he has for us. I believe God's timing is everything although I know I have missed many chances in my life because my heart was fully ready I am ready now and listening as close as I can. I encourage you to visit a local church or if you do and just need a little extra boost as we all do sometimes....go find something spiritual to read! The Bible is always the best food the soul! God Bless.
Courtney Hatten

Jan 2011! Great things are coming.

I am so excited about the new year and what all is to come of 2011.  It will be the start of something GREAT!  I believe God has placed a path before me and I am ready to take the steps.  I know your wondering "What is she up to now?"  I will share.  It has been heavy on my heart and I am now ready to jump in.  I will establish a non profit organization.  Teaming up with my GMomma, Courtney Hatten, we will make our life long dream come true and hopefully touch the lives of many while doing it.
This non profit will be established to help other local non profits that need help with volunteering or donations because their supplies are low and/or families that we find or that are referred to us.  I believe when people fall on hard times they just need a little help to get on their feet and a little hope never hurt anyone! Personally we have walked in these families shoes. so that makes it even more of a special mission to me.  I believe most of us are only one pay day away from falling on hard times.  It doesn't make anyone less than us.  I know God has placed each of us on this earth for a purpose.  I have always known what my purpose is and I am so thankful that it is my time to full fill it.

We began this journey with a helping a few families gather things they needed to function on a daily basis such as beds for their children.  We also participated in Destiny Worships Thanksgiving  Outreach program where we touched over 25 families with food and blessings.  Then we organized our own G Momma Mission, a Christmas Outreach program where we collected gifts on behalf of parents that could not provide Christmas for their kids. This spread like wild fire and with many huge hearts in our local community we provided Santa for 16 children and even got some parents little happies.

Posting soon our upcoming mission for 2011!  Stay tooned......
Thanks for following our journey!
Much Love,