Thursday, March 17, 2011


I am truly amazed how once you really give things over to the Lord how things become so transparent or clear.  I used this analogy the other day as attended our Coalition Meeting, 'God has planted seeds before us and not just a flower seedling but grape seedlings.'  We are grapes on a vine, growing together down one strand or vine heading for one ultimate purpose.  Intertwining each of us as we cross paths. Together we are stronger. He is laying this on my heart.... I know it is the Lord because it is 5:20 am and I have been up since 3:30 and should be passed out!!!!
  •  Grapes are started from seedlings Days to harvest: 3 years  . Light requirements: Full sun. Water requirements: Regular watering We are seedlings, We can take years to grow, we need need to see the light= GOD  WATER= THE WORD (BIBLE)
  • Grapes have very deep roots= we are what is instilled in us
  • Most grapes are not self-fertile, so you should plan on growing 2 or 3 separate vines in order for them to produce any fruit.We can not live a full life with out him we should teach our vines (children, peers, friends, family) so they can also produce and share the legacy of the Lord.
  • Choose a sunny location where you have space to put up wires to train the vines for support Keep yourself surrounded with believers (sunny people) put up the wire (mission) train the vines to support it!
  • Having your grapes on a trellis or other kind of support is a must with grapes-You MUST have and be the backing, someone to hold you up, a mentor, an "advisory group, thanks ladies"
  • Heavy pruning is also a necessary part of growing grapes- Pruning= involving the selective removal of parts of a plant. 2 things here: 1) remove the people in your life who are not good for you.  Be selective in who you have surrounding you.  If you are surrounded by negative you will be negative. If you surround your self with well grounded, believers you will be more likely to see the works of the Lord.  2) remove all the worrying, doubt, negative thoughts, stress and frustrations from your grape(soul) Lay it all out for the Lord.  A great price was paid for you.. He does not want us to do these things, he suffered so we didn't have to.
  • you want the vines to grow large grapes with good flavor. Allowing the plant to produce too many grapes will result in very small fruit with poor taste He has laid this on me...Im just speaking it.  I feel it is better to have 1 person (Large Grape) FULL of GOD, a true believer, son or daughter of GOD than a bunch of grapes(people) proclaiming it but not walking it. I WANT TO WALK IT!
  • choose the strongest vine to be your future “trunk”. Tie that vine to both wires, training to grow upright-Can you be the trunk? Do you want to be the trunk? for your children, your friends, your family, OUR GOD???
WOW! I will pray because I must ask my self that same question???????
I'm out on that note...
Gmomma signing off to start the day
Much Love

Newsboys - Build Us Back

Saturday, March 12, 2011

What a DAY!

Up and at it at 6 am. No, I don't sleep in on weekends either.  Big day. Cleaned a home (GMomma has to work to have gas money to get to and from)  back to my house by 8:30, then time to load up for Bruce, Fl to visit our friends at the Muscogee Nation.  Loaded shoes and diapers to the roof, along with 4 kids and we're off.  Filled our bellies because we'd have no time for an early lunch.  My little buddies we're calling to make sure i was coming to see them. It is funny that now if I don't show I will have little ones filled with disappointment.  Pulled up and they were their waiting on pine needles (pins and needles lol).  I kill me. 

Trunk pops open and we're off.  As I stocked shelves in food pantry with diapers, I notice approx 20 college students volunteering and helping families to their cars with groceries.  Emery College had a group of students come down for the weekend to volunteer their time to the Muscogee Nation.  What a blessing they are.  It is so awesome to see kids from our future generations giving their hearts and time to a great cause. 
It's really neat to see others come from so far to help "Our part of the world."  Thank you Emery College for your dedication to our world.

Shoes hit the ground.  I distributed approx 16 pairs of shoes to kids in need.  One mother came up and after finding just the right size she said, "This is awesome, he comes here barefoot and leaves with shoes on his feet. Very unexpected."  Thanks Wendy for allowing us to to provide shoes to kids in such need.  Because of your generous heart we covered not only bottoms but feet too. 

My works not done today. By the way my kids were a huge help.  They entertained Londyn and hung out with our local buddies while helping families carry groceries as needed.  They were great sports.  It is wonderful to allow your children to volunteer and see first hand what people face in our community.  It works on them and helps to teach them about appreciating even the small things we have that we take for granted. (running water, electricity, windows to keep weather out, food on our table as we bless each meal.)
So we close shop in Bruce and take Bruce with us to Path of Grace Thrift Store.  Path of Grace was so awesome to share with BeGenerous and Muscogee Nation items from their thrift store.  They gave us loads, I should clarify.... LOADS of donations to help the families in our community.  Even Little Londyn helped pull books from shelves into boxes. She loves being of help. Thank you Team Path. James I know it takes a lot of work to coordinate all you do with your move and I appreciate you and Jane fitting us in and for you all sharing the love.  Many blessings. (Love ya, Gmomma Linda.)  We load up a truck and trailer for the Tribe and send one truck on its way as volunteers and others from the tribe nation help carry loads to their cars and and pack boxes.  We call it quits around 2:30 head to the house just as dad is pulling burgers from the grill for us.  Thanks hubbie, it was just what we needed after a hard day's work. 
Home sweet home.  Soccer game cancelled, pretty out for kids to play in yard as I, of course, sort more donations and gather things to distribute to certain places.  Garage finally in order. 5:30, relax until 7:00 picking up teenager from work, late dinner, now time to share this and hubbie snuggle time...GOOD NIGHT, SLEEP TIGHT.
God bless you all.
GMomma out, Steph

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Hello fellow Floridians,
I want to share with you all a little about the Muscogee Nation, an Indian Tribe in Bruce, FL.  Some of you may have heard about it and sat in wonder, some of you this will be the first time you have heard of Indians in Florida and others have been there and seen it.  What ever the case may be, I feel it is important we bring some awareness to the Muscogee Nation of Florida and find out what is going on out in " our neck of the woods."  Most in Walton and South Walton County think of  Walton County as a beach community, a  community that has not been badly effected by the economy and BP Oil Spill.  Many think, "There is no homelessness or poverty in Walton County."  STOP and shake the salt water out of your ears, and Listen carefully.  THERE IS A COMMUNITY IN CRISIS IN OUR NECK OF THE WOODS. Right out your back door and over a little bridge.  Believe it or not Walton County has 51 citites within our borders.  This is our community and WE have families and children out there in need.  Although my focus of this email is Bruce and the Muscogee Nation I want to make it clear.  Walton County is a community in crisis.  There are homeless families, parents struggling to feed their children or to cover their bottoms in diapers, sick elderly that have no way to get help. There are families in need in most of our surrounding areas, yes even out in our beach communities in Santa Rosa Beach and  Miramar Beach, FL. 
Back to Bruce....
 Some of you are already going, What?? we have Indians around here still? Yes, we do and NO!, as Ann Tucker would say, "They are not in tee pees cooking of over stick in the woods."  They are an Indian Nation that has been in Bruce, FL for 160 years. They have homes and a community within their Nation.   The Indian people of Bruce have managed for themselves for all those years not really knowing what had moved in and around their tribal nation. The Muscogee Indian Nation had been living a life as they know it to be comfortable.  It was not until Ann Tucker, Chairwomen of the Tribal Council had the trees pulled back and got a peek of the outside by a wonderful women of God, Pastor Elaine Barrow, Bruce United Methodist Church.  Ann was quickly made aware that this Nation in Bruce was no longer just her and the Muscogee Tribe, e it was a "Community in Crisis."    Ann Tucker, Chairwomen of this Indian Nation, and her husband Chuck, did not hesitate to jump in and help.  See Indians help Indian people but they also know help others when they are needed.  Regardless of what help we were over the last 100 years to these Indians, they never second guessed their role in this.  They understand that under our "Creator" we all have an obligation to women, children and elders. What Ann found down the back dirt roads was horrific. I know because I have been out there.  I have seen the rusted out trailers with no windows, roofs caved in and doors hanging off.  I have seen people living in trailers and homes that should be condemned.
I will share. We were delivering a King Mattress, toiletries, clothing and their groceries from the food pantry in Muscogee Nation of Bruce, to a grandmother of 9 kids. Yes they live with her.  She was having surgery for Uterine cancer soon so we had to get to her. Her mattress was in really bad shape. We wanted her comfortable for her long recovery.  As we pulled up the dirt driveway I notice one trailer crumbled to pieces on one side. My first thoughts were 'No, Way, this is not what this family is living in.' As I kept looking another trailer sat behind it.  It wasn't much better but it had a roof (bad roof I must add.)   An ill grandmother, 9 kids and 2 adults living in one trailer, a red blanket over a window was lifted from the outside by a child, as he  screamed in the house "Their here!" We unloaded and took in.  I won't continue.....
This family of 12 people had been living out in our community for 3 years with NO POWER and  only water because they had a generator that it was running off of.  Praise God, Village Baptist got power restored for this family and we all came together to feed, clothe and furnish them with things they so desperately needed. 
This is only one family.  There are many more like this that Ann, Chuck and the Muscogee Nation is dealing with  on a daily basis.  
What Ann Tucker and the Muscogee Nation of Florida has done to bring awareness out there is unbelievable.  She has started a food pantry that just this past weekend served approx 360 people.  A thrift Store and soon a medical clinic and a fuller house (Cold night shelter).  She has rose to the challenge, taken no color or creed, no status or situation into consideration.   She has just provided help because that is our duty and our obligation as human beings. 
When she called our state representatives, she asked, "We have a community in Crisis, what do you want me to do?"  See she didn't ask them what they could do for her and the people in our community. She knew she was going to do what she needed  to help but she was bringing it to their attention to the problem. 
We are not living in a 3rd world country (God bless those that are).  We live in America, where have neighbors to call upon, government to call upon, we have EACH OTHER!  We should not have starving children running our schools and streets, we shouldn't have struggling parents lost in despair not even knowing where to turn to in our government agencies for help.  Sick and starved elders wasting away in their homes with no companion or attention. 
On behalf of BeGenerous Inc, I want to thank Ann and Chuck, the Muscogee Nation and all the volunteers that have stepped up to help our community and our nation.  Please help support the Muscogee Nation of Bruce Fl and other organizations that are fighting for our children, our next generation and  our nation under GOD!
Visit for more info on the Muscogee Nation or to see how you can help our community. 
Many Blessings,

Monday, March 7, 2011

Coming back around to God...

This is so moving I had to share.  As you have probably read, we have been helping a mother that just a few weeks ago was evicted and forced to live in a motel with no food, little clothing, her children and grand babies.  Since then and by the help of the generous hearts in our community (Gay, Wendy, Dianne and Steph B) she now has a roof over their heads, food on the shelves and a job at Walmart. Praise God!
She reports in to me daily just to let me know how things are going and that they are ok.  These families become an extended family of our own.  She went on to tell me how she had a rough night working and that she had developed blisters beyond on the top of her foot and how unbearable they were.  She said she was in so much pain she was in tears and felt as if she was going to have to give up.  With a few encouraging words she said, "I know God was with me and getting me through the night." she went on the explain that as she was stocking she had to walk pass the book section.  On the end isle was a wall of the Holy Bible. She said every time she passed them, it would remind her that God was carrying her through and that she could make it and could not give up since we all worked so hard to get her there.  She said all night she was thinking of the bibles and how her heart was yearning to find her bible she had packed away.  She had prayed that she had not lost it with everything else and that God would help her get back into the bible.
As she is telling me this, I was in amazement.  See I had just got off the phone with Gay Landreth.  She had just shared with me that her and her husband went to Eagle Wings Bookstore and bought all types of bibles to give out to people that needed or had the want for one.  Gay wanted this mother to have one.  That was so a "GodThing."  I told the mother about that and she just cried. "Are you serious, I just prayed tonight that I would get a bible then you say you got one for me."  Shocked she asked me to please thank Gay and Jeff for getting her that bible and because of us she is coming back around to God.  A God that she once knew but had lost along the way. 
The best part of what we are doing through BeGenerous Inc. is not just the food we feed people, the clothes we clothe people in or the bottoms we cover with diapers. It's us feeding them with hope in their lives, our community and in themselves, its clothing them with prayer and love as a cloke shielding them from despair and doubt, it's covering them with support and a sense of worth, a feeling of importance that one feels when someone takes time to show they care.  The greatest accomplishment in this all is to show people they call upon his name and he will provide.To help them find who is ultimately responsible for their second chance, GOD.
God is stirring up something and BeGenerous with your help is going to spread it like butter!
Who's in????
this GMomma is busy busy gotta go!
Much love

Sunday, March 6, 2011

It's raining SHOES and lots of them....

It's Saturday and I have had a wonderful much needed relaxing day not going anywhere.  I love after many sunny warm days we get a little dark rainy cold day.  I believe that's God's way of saying slow down, today is a down day and you need to do NOTHING.  I must admit sometimes it feels good to do little to nothing.  Once again, Wendy Kotowske, made a drop off at my house of some shoes she purchased fromWalmart on sale. When she called and said she had some shoes I was excited, I had no idea what was to come.  Wendy and Jenna pulled up and started pulling bags and bags and bags from the truck. It was raining more than rain drops at my house.  It was raining shoes.  Wendy had bought 117 pairs of children shoes.  WOW!  I am totally amazed.  Wondering where to store them in my office I started thinking who needed them and boy will they go fast.  I already can account for 26 children who need them just in the families we have recently been working with.  How much fun will me and Wendy have distributing these shoes.  Bless you Wendy and thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you are doing to help BeGenerous Inc. 
Much Love,

In Motion....

Friday March 4th-Today was a wonderful day!  It started bright and early of course.  Wendy at Prime Lending/Destin was so gracious to help me out by printing flyers off for my meeting this morning when I ran out of paper at 11:30pm last night.  I swang by to pick those up and MORE diapers. Thanks!  They are all set to be a DROP OFF SITE for donations.  I really appreciate the team at Prime Lending for embracing our causes and stepping up to the challenge EVERYTIME.  Bless you all!  Off to meet Santiago, Outreach Pastor @ Destiny Worship, to load up BOXES and BOXES of canned goods, toiletries, pastas and rice etc. that were donated by our wonderful church family at Destiny Worship Center.  We couldn't go empty handed and since we were going there for a meeting.  So we then headed to Bruce with 2 trucks loaded down to the Muscogee Tribe Nation of Florida.  What a powerful meeting.   Today many came together as one and for one mission.  To serve those in need, allowing God to work through us to resolve issues at hand that the Muscogee Nation and Bruce Florida are facing on a daily basis. We all discussed what we can contribute and how we can all come TOGETHER to help Rural Relief.  BeGenerous Inc. announced that we will be dedicating our March 19th Diaper Drive to the Muscogee Nation of Florida.  All diapers collected at Miramar, Winn-Dixie, will be distributed in Bruce at the following Food Pantry day to help all the struggling families that can not purchase diapers in order to keep lights on and food on the table.  We need A LOT too.  Every other weekend we distribute approx 300 to 400 diapers and we still ahve people in need lined up for us to take their names and sizes.  I hate turning those away that really need them.  Please help our efforts as we attempt to "Cover Every Little Bottom."
One of my favorite Bruce Buddies, Abby, came in and got to see me which brightened my day!  I love the Bruce families.
I was so humbled and blessed to be amongst so many wonderful people.
Much Love to all my followers.  Thanks for your support.
GMomma Steph out.......

Help the Poor.....

Luke 6:20-21 "Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God. Blessed are the hunger now, for you will be satisfied.

Luke 16:19 Read story.

Jobe 34:28 They caused the cry of the poor to come before him, so that he heard the cry of the needy.

Psalm 22:26  The poor will eat and be satisfied

Psalm 35:10  You rescue the poor from those too strong for them, the poor and needy from those who rob them.

Psalm 68:10 Your people settled in it, and from your bounty, O God, you provided for the poor.

  • "He defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and loves the alien, giving him food and clothing." Deuteronomy 10:18

  • "However, there should be no poor among you, for in the land the LORD your God is giving you to possess as your inheritance, he will richly bless you." Deuteronomy 15:4
  • Wednesday, March 2, 2011

    Late night trip to Wally World.

    10:00 p.m. Late night run to Walmart but not for a midnight snack or groceries for my household.  We got jobs!  Ok not me and not my husband but one of our families.  Walmart hired the parents of the family we were helping this past week.  I am so proud they took initiative to do their resumes and be persistance in applying and following through on their end.  I met them at Destin Walmart to pick out clothing they needed for their uniforms.  They got to start tonight at 10pm to stock.  They are both so thankful for the opportunity. Thanks to Jeff and Gay Landreth, we got them both 2 shirts and 2 pairs of jeans with a little extra for gas to get home with no worries. When they got the call earlier today that they got the job they were thrilled until they were told the job attire that was mandatory.  They freaked out but knew if they called us BeGenerous, Dianne,Opportunity Inc or Steph B (WCS) we would find GENEROUS hearts to come up with what they needed.  I pray they get settled into their new job and that it gives them relief and a sense of pride knowing they will see the light at the end of tunnel.
    I can sleep well tonight knowing they are working and making money.
    Bless the Grahm family and God bless you all!

    What it's all about....

    March 1st-Today was a busy day.  Up and at it at 6am, start with my daily routine;
    1. Turn the coffee on
    2. Make 4 lunches
    3. few sips of coffee while checking email, post a blog or gather my thoughts for the day before the PARTY begins!
    4. upstairs for the "Rise and Shine!" each room I go one by one.
    5. Back down to get breakfast out
    6. dishes, sweep, check dryer, move washer then start new load
    7. ball cap on to hide bed head 
    8. Off to deliver children, OUT OF GAS, get gas
    9. Through the car pool line I drive, 1 down 2 to go
    10.  back home
    11. Londyn breakfast, shower, pack diaper bag, bottle bag, email, calender book, to do list and I'm ready to hit road.
    Today was a very good day. To bank, Destiny to drop jean donations off,  Dept of Health Coastal branch to deliver diapers to be distributed to families in need.  Lanie forgot lunch, Turn around to get that to her. Then off to Defuniak I head. On my way to Defuniak I receive a call from a mother we have helped (family in motel last week.)  She was calling to thank us for reaching out to them when they could not find anyone else to.  I told her it was our pleasure and that her family was a blessing to us.  I thanked her for stepping up, setting her pride to the side and reaching out for her family and especially for her babies.  It takes a lot for most to ask for help.  Many sit back and suffer or make their children suffer because they are embarrassed of what people will think of them or they have no idea where to turn.  I explained as I do very often, any one can be in these shoes and no one should suffer because they are afraid to ask.  That is why my mission is to BE THE VOICE.  I went on to tell her "The way it works is, when you run into a family that is in need and you have any means what so ever to help them, you "Pay it Forward".  We were there for you, you are up on your feet and ready to face the world, giving a 2nd chance to do it right.  Give back!  Thank God for the blessing he has provided to you and your family and for the people he seeded in your life. She explained, "Hey we did that.  While we were in Bruce a women said she needed a fridge and didn't know what she would do with all her food. She was scared she'd loose it all because her fridge is out.  We took her number in case we ran across one.  As we were moving into the new home, we found it had a fridge.  We immediately called that lady and provided her a fridge, saving all her food for her family." "That's what I'm talking about!", I replied. She cried and explained how good it made her feel to help.  The uplifting conversation went on for an hour.  Next, Lunch meeting with Steph and Dianne.  Londyn was quite the entertainment.  Off to drop donations to single mom of 7. She is in a new safe home for her babies and needed bedding, diapers, formula etc. She has taken initiative and stepped up to the plate to help herself and her babies.  She is very independent and fulfills her duties as a mother.  I'm so proud of her.  It makes me feel so good when we talk and before we let each other go we say "I love you!" It's what is all about.

    While in Defuniak, I get a call from a family.  This was a hard request for them.  I told her nothing would shock me, "give it to me." They needed feminine products for 2 girls, toilet paper and bottle nipples immediately.  They didn't want to ask but ddidn't know how to get them.  Off to the Dollar General Londyn and I go.  Thanks Stephanie Bailey for the $5.00 to put towards it.  It helped.  Last stop, to make the drop.  As the mom walked me through their new home she was shining with pride and excitement that they were finally out of the motel and could see the greener pasture (literally).  It made me proud for all us that helped them.  Another family can sleep easier and under a roof.  I can go home!   YIPPPPEEEEEEE